Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

A less complex but reliable system may be all you need – go with a conventional fire alarm system.



Rapid detection ensures safe evacuations. Honeywell offers a wide array of Fire Detection and Alarm Systems that provide both early warning and comprehensive protection. From fire alarm control panels and smoke detectors to manual call points, these systems ensure continuous fire safety, spreading alerts swiftly for quick response.

TYY conventional fire alarm is a proven and affordable way to safeguard small-sized commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings from fires.

Best Used for Small-sized Commercial, Industrial,
and Institutional Buildings

Uses Zones

This system has zones that monitor different building areas for smoke or heat. One control panel controls the notification devices in these zones.

Low-Cost Fire Alarm Systems

The simplicity of a conventional fire alarm system is a less costly solution that can be just as effective in detecting fires and preventing fire damage.

Ideal for Small Buildings

It’s an ideal solution to use a fire alarm system in small-scale projects like shops, single floor offices, and small schools since they are inexpensive and simple to use.

Add Protection to Your Business

Choose from our wide selection of conventional fire alarm system products to find the right level of protection for your business.

Completed Fire Detection and Alarm System Projects

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